I spoke with my agency today and my coordinator, Karla, said that our documents were in Houston, and should be back tomorrow. She said that she hoped to have our documents to China (referred to as DTC in the adoption lingo...)Now we wait for LOA(more lingo... meaning Letter of Acceptance). Right now, the average wait time is 71 days for LOA, once the dossier is logged in. However, we are seeing some families getting approval much quicker. I know, with all my heart, that God is in control of the timing. I also know that He hears our prayers and He answers them. So... I need you. I need your prayers. If you are reading this blog, you are probably my friend, my family, my co-worker, or you could be a total stranger that stumbled onto this blog. I ask you to pray for the individuals who will review our dossier, for the ones who approve us, who process any paperwork, to move this along. I want to go get my girl!!!! God will be glorified in this entire process by pointing out to others who hear our story that God's divine hand was over the whole thing. I believe that through our prayers... and yours, of course, that we will bring Mia home... sooner than later. She's waiting for us...