Monday, July 19, 2010

At Home... At Last...

Now that the trip is behind me, I think I'd just prefer not to dwell on the "getting home" aspect of the trip, however, there is one thing I MUST share about it. Do you remember my post last week about praying that we'd be able to switch seats to bulk-head so we could get a bassinet for Mia and more leg room to put her down a little? Do you remember the part about the flight was sold out... but that I felt like God would work this out? Well, He did. We got to the check-in counter in Hong Kong and the attendant changed out seats when I asked for a bassinet. Guess what she changed them to? The ones I asked God for. Wow... Wow... Suffice it to say, that even with the great seats the flight was brutal, it was painful, it was exhausting... but the good news is that we made it and we are now home. We were met with a crowd of family and good friends at the airport to meet Mia for the first time. Just as I'd imagined all these months, I was so touched by that moment, seeing all the people I loved waiting for us. Three of my friends dressed up with big propeller bows in their hair. Another long-time friend met me with a diet coke and a cupcake. We made the ride home well, Mia slept until 5 am, and we took a couple of naps today. My aunt Kathy made us a delicious breakfast casserole to have for our first breakfast and I loved seeing all of my babies sitting at that table with me. Tonight, we went to my grandparents' house for a home-cooked meal of fresh vegetables from the family garden. So good... My brain is still fuzzy from jet-lag, but despite all of that, I can appreciate the fact that we've made it. We have a lot of work to do in terms of helping Mia form strong attachments with us and this will take time. But at least we are home and after we've recovered from this jet-lag, we can get back to our lives. But now it is just starting to hit me... I have four kids... Four. I must be nuts. LOL...

Much love,


  1. You have such an amazing story to tell! I get chills every time I open this website! Wish I could've been at the airport (and it's my fault Mom and Bobby weren't there - they had Sawyer...), but I can't wait to see you all!

  2. so glad you made it home safely...what a wonderful journey...and really, it is just beginning:)

  3. Gosh, Ashley, you are funny. Four kids, nut??? I guess I am too, 3 at home and 1 waiting in China. I laughed out loud at that. Yes, nuts in a wonderful way though!! Yes, it's hard and will get harder, but we would move mountains for them and we get so much joy out of doing it. Good for you that you made it through the journey and still have your sense of humor.

    Love, Linda
    BAAS, waiting for Shanna, 9
